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A Novel Approach for Suicide Prediction in a Healthy Society

Published in IJCEA

Emotions play a very important role in our lives. The behavioral expressions help to analyze the state of the individual with respect to their minds. This paper aims at providing a Machine Learning Approach in detecting the likelihood of an individual to commit suicide. Suicide is a very serious issue which is increasing rapidly in the society due to various reasons of which most are mental ones. There is a lot of brain drain that is happening due to individuals opting for suicide instead of facing life with societal challenges. Hence, it needs to be tackled and any attempt of suicide must be prevented. The behavioral pattern of an individual is analyzed using text and audio typed/spoken by the individual. Then classify the data based on emotions present in the input and thereby conclude how likely will the individual commit suicide. Appropriate predictions will help create a healthy society.

About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Computer Engineering And Applications
Open AccessNo