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Children in Indian society has always been a topic less spoken or discussed. The reasons of the same can be traced back to the socio-cultural background of the country. In the world children are taken as the greatest gift to humanity. Childhood is an important stage of human development as it holds the potential to the future of any society. Children who are brought up in an environment which is helpful to their intellectual, physical and social development will go on to be responsible and productive part of the society. Thus every society links its future to the present status of its children. Today child has been defined differently by different agencies as per their view and there is a very large gap and contradiction in these definitions. This paper attempts to summaries the different meaning to the word child and also give a brief overview of the magnitude of the issue from an Indian perspective. An attempt has been made to study the government policy documents and list down the actions as proposed and implemented by Indian government in the 11 th 5 year plan which has just ended in 2012. Some suggestions collected by the author, from academicians and also from the policy and plan documents about the way of eradicating the problems, are summerised in the paper. In the end the outline of the plan and strategies as identified are also given with author's suggestions. The paper identifies that a lot of policy plans have been worked but there is an urgent need for a social movement for this issue to really get addressed and resolved.
Journal | ASM's International E-Journal of Ongoing Research in Management and ITE-ISSN {…} |
Open Access | No |