Cloud Computing is an emerging technique works on distributed computing mechanism. Cloud computing has reengineered the concepts in information Technology infrastructure. Cloud Computing provides steadfast, on requirement infrastructure over the globe and within shortest possible time span and reduces investment in IT infrastructure. In cloud computing Scalability & Load Balancing are key factors as huge data is created and maintained & better utilisation of in such dynamic environment. Achieving scalability with load balancing is pre requisite in such Big Data environment. Various techniques have been developed in the field so far and are in process of development. In this paper we studied and evaluated various techniques for load balancing and scalability and presented the methodologies explored so far. There are various load balancing & Scalability techniques developed so far and research on the same is increasing significantly. This paper explores different techniques with snapshot on methodologies used, key parameters to be considered and limitations and future scope and development in the load balancing techniques with maintaining scalability in details. This paper reveal the research on the load balancing techniques, will surely be useful for future development.