Growth in the construction industry is growing dailyand the demolition of the old structure creates massive quantitiesof rubbles and from that 30-40% were coarse aggregate. Utilizingof coarse aggregates through recycling helps to give economicand sustainable development. The aim of this study is to achievehigh compressive strength with minimum wear effect of newconcrete made of recycled concrete aggregate. To achieve aim inthis study has been considered high strength of concrete mixi.e.M40, M50 and M60 for compressive strength and for abrasiontest, considered mix of M50 and M60. A replacement percentagefor the compressive strength test was 0%(normal), 20%, 40%,60%, and 80% while for abrasion test considering 0%, 20%, 40%and 60% replacement ratio. This research helps to use recycledconcrete aggregate in construction sector