The worldwide usage of retaining wall has stimulated a research for appropriate, easy, fast and cost-effective new ways of wall construction. Mortarless technology using interlocking bricks is very promising among many technologies. This can only be achieved with the concept and implementation of sustainability of wall towards the pressure exerted by soil. The study done and shown in this paper is one such paradigm towards sustainability of wall. The study in this paper is done on the design concept, modeling of interlocking structural block, using it as a retaining wall. The strength parameters of these walls are checked by ansys software. These blocks can easily transferred from one place to another. This report is about such interlocking walling technology and in particular: how to improve speed of wall-construction, the effects of brick design on wall alignment accuracy and wall behavior (principle stress, deformation) when subject to lateral forces. This research paper consist of an analytical study of a retaining wall made up of the interlocking precast structural blocks in ansys software. In this paper the design of the brick is been prepared by keeping into consideration various interlocking patterns and their strengths. Retaining wall of these designed interlocking brick is been constructed using ansys software. Various heights of this retaining wall is been considered (ie 2m, 3m,4m). In order to perform the analysis of this wall, two cases are considered. 1) All sides are fixed. 2) Only bottom is fixed. The retaining wall is been designed on the basis of earth pressure exerted on it. This earth pressure further depends upon various conditions. Hence both the cases are divided into five parts. I) Dry leveled back fill. II) Two layred leveled backfill. III) Submerged leveled backfill. IV) Leveled backfill with uniform surcharge. V) Backfill with inclined surface. All these cases are further analyzed by the ansys software