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Analytical and experimental analysis of voided slab
Published in International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research
Volume: 8.0
Issue: 8.0
Pages: 1739.0 - 1746.0
In buildings, slab is one of the important structural member as well as the largest member consuming concrete. Therefore by using high density polyethylene balls the consumption of concrete can be optimized. The advantages of bubble deck slab are less energy consumption both in production, transport and less emission of exhaust gases. The main aim is to study the practicality of hollow plastic balls in a reinforced concrete slab. The range of the study involves evaluating the flexural strength and behavior of light weight slab and conventional slab by analytical and experimental work. The slab specimen casted were of three types namely, conventional slab, B.D.S of 50 mm diameter and B.D.S of 100 mm diameter having dimensions of 750 mm X 500 mm X 150 mm. The testing of slab specimen was done on universal testing machine by giving one point line loading. Finite element analysis on slab specimen is also done by using ANSYS WORKBENCH 16.0. From the results it can be concluded that Bubble deck slab of 50 mm and 100 mm diameter can be used in practice, as the deflection values of the particular slabs are within the permissible limit as stated in IS Code.
About the journal
JournalInternational journal of scientific & technology Research ISSN NO:0377-9254
PublisherInternational Journal of Scientific & Technology Research
Open Access0