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Automation Tool for a Layman to Test Remedy Applications

Published in IJARCSMS
Volume: 2
Issue: 2

Since last two decades, researchers and practitioners came up with a variety of software tools to automate the testing process. The present paper discusses the proposed work/technique, which can be used to develop a tool to automate test case generation process. It proposes to build an Automation tool that records and replays the use cases, thus providing a simple application for a layman (Non-Technical Person) who is an internal/external consumer. The protocol used for recording is HTTPS, so the encryption is performed while recording the calls. Server/Mid-tier calls will be recorded in .java file which is compiled and executed using command line interface and a Graphical User Interface (GUI). When there is repetition of same scenario, the tool prevents redundancy of use cases. If there is a change in format of input or response, Auto parameterization of input is performed

About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies
Open AccessNo