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Design, manufacturing and experimentation of compounded parabolic collector
, Pushkar Khairnar, Ajay Jadhav, Shivprasad Dhage,
Published in Gupta Publications
Volume: 3.0
Issue: 1.0
Pages: 713.0 - 721.0
Design and performance result of a CPC (Compounded Parabolic Concentrator) water heating system is presented. The system consists of 10 evacuated glass tubes (absorbers), CPC for each tube and manifolds. Calculations are done to calculate the acceptance angle for heating 60 lit/hr water up to 80oC. Fabrication is done using suitable manufacturing processes and leak test of welded joints is done. Results are obtained using Pt100 sensor for CPC system and compared with the ETC system for 5 hours. Rise of 10 % is observed when CPC is used.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Academic Research and Development
PublisherGupta Publications
Open Access0