An Education system in India has become so advanced in last decade due to the development of the technology. Smart class, video conferencing is some of the examples of modern trends in educational system. These applications help the institute to move forward quickly, fulfill their vision and accomplish their goals, E-way. The core idea of research project is to implement Android based application for attendance management system for advancement of institution and educational system. Proposed project application alerts, academic calendar and exam study materials online, online presence records, performance record and Android applications using parent’s information system will be implemented as online reminders. Teacher attendance through smart phones and their progressive assessment for students to record the system helps. His presence as a SMS presence goes down, as this system allows a student to notice. Nowadays, mobile devices especially for students in higher education have become a way of life. Computers are now compact smart phone that can fit in a pocket and can be done anywhere are replaced by. The rapid progress in mobile technology, mobile learning, mobile learning, particularly attractive way knowledge distribution used in the teaching and learning process that elearning is known as the next generation of a new zone is created. Students with the development of the Android application. Technology enabled educational tools as liked to use mobile devices. Smart phone like BlackBerry, 1 are based on the operating system OS and Android. Android OS entry rate is 70 percent, because the proposed project design, smart phone with Android operating system is selected.