The rapid industrial and economic development in India leads to high level of pollution in environment. Due to increased level of aerosols oceans are warming. This paper highlights on aerosols effect on sea surface wind and sea surface temperature by using remote sensing data. The windplays important role in Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and radiative forcing and is analyzed using National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) monthly wind data. The radiative forcing observed is much higher and up to 60% of total AOD during summer monsoon. SeaSurface Temperature (SST) is another important parameter in ocean atmosphere system and a key variable in coupling the atmosphere and ocean. The SST has changed during the change of atmospheric pattern and it plays an important role in aerosols mechanism. The study observed that during summer monsoon SST over the South Eastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) much higher than Western Tropical Indian Ocean (WTIO) and it plays important role in aerosols mechanism.