The problem of cross-flow induced vibration of structures is important in many fields of engineering. Many experimental and numerical works is done in cross-flow induced vibration phenomenon considering different parameters. Many researchers have studied cross-flow induced vibration and suggested methods to damp the vibration or reduce the vibration amplitude by changing different parameters like orientation of the tube bundle, pitch over diameter ratio, surface roughness of the tube etc. Cross-flow induced vibration in cross flow of a flexible tube in tube array is studied experimentally, where the cylinder was loosely supported. Experiments were carried out on six tube banks for two different arrangements viz. inline and staggered arrangement. It is observed that with the increase in the velocity, the displacement of tube increases for both inline and staggered arrangement. As the pitch over diameter ratio increases, the displacement of the flexible tube goes on decreasing. It is also observed that the displacement of a flexible tube subjected to cross flow for staggered arrangement is more compared to inline arrangement for same tube spacing.