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Efficient Image Retrieval Using Cloud Repository
Viraj Vaidya, Bhavik Avhad, Tapan Khaladkar,
Published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
Volume: 8.0
Issue: 5.0
Pages: 5766.0 - 5773.0
Storage requirements for visual data have increased in recent years, following the appearance of manyinteractive multimedia services and applications for mobile devices in personal and business scenarios. This was a keya determining factor for the adoption of cloud-based data outsourcing solutions. However, even the outsourcing of datastorage in the cloud leads to new security challenges that must be carefully addressed. We propose a secure frameworkfor the storage and recovery of the subcontracted privacy protection in large archives of shared images. Our proposal isbased on IES-CBIR, a novel Encryption scheme of the image that presents image recovery properties based on content.The framework allows both encrypted storage and search using content-based image retrieval queries while preservingprivacy against honest but curious cloud administrators. We have built a prototype of the proposed framework,formally analyzed and tested its safety properties, and experimentally assessed its performance and accuracy ofrecovery. Our results show that IES-CBIR is probably safe, allowing more efficient operations that the existingproposals, both in terms of complexity of time and space, and opens the way to new scenarios of practical application.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
PublisherInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET)
Open Access0