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Equilibrium Studies on Adsorption of Pb2+ ions using Citrus Sinensis Peel
Heavy metals such as lead,copper,nickel,etc contamination and their toxicity is a serious concern
in India.Many methods of treatment are available. But an adsorption process with activated
carbon is unique and most efficientmethods for removing the pollution agents.Researchers are
working to identify various cost-effective,efficient,environmentally friendly, easily and locally
available adsorbent materials. This research work aimedto investigate the application of orange
peel (citrus Sinensispeel) as an adsorbent material which is locally and easily available
agricultural by-product, and verifying its results with the results of PAC in exclusion of Pb 2+ ions
from aqueous solutions.Batch mode adsorption method has been followedin investigating the
effect of various parameters such as pH, contact time, adsorbent dose, Pb 2+ ions concentration,
and adsorbent of varying particle size on the adsorption of Pb 2+ ions by both OP and PAC. The
evaluation of adsorption data is essential for the development of an empirical relationship based
on the results collected throughout the course of experimental work. Several equilibrium
isotherms, including the Langmuir, Freundlich, BET, and Modified Freundlich Isotherms, were
analysed in order to find the isotherm that provided the best fit.
Journal | Design Engineering (Toronto) |
Publisher | Rogers Media Publishing Ltd. |
Open Access | Yes |