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Feature based retrieval for animation video
Published in
Pages: 905 - 909
Numerous researches have been conducted for content based representation, analysis and retrieval but mainly for the professionally edited videos such as news, & sports videos not on animation video. The objective is to adapt existing image based information retrieval technique to work efficiently on animation video. This paper shows the use of color feature information when used for the animation video search system. In this proposed work, video clip is accepted as query-by-example and matched video clips are retrieved from animation video database. During the retrieval the color feature is extracted for input video clip using RGB2GRAY, RGB2HSV and RGB2YCBCR color space algorithm and compared with feature vector database in order to rank each video clip according to its distance to the query. We use the Euclidean Distance, City Block Distance and Canberra Distance measures to compute the similarity between the query video clip and each video clip in database. We report experimental result and validate the method on new large database of real animation video. © 2012 ACM.
About the journal
JournalACM International Conference Proceeding Series