Beam column jointsin concrete framed structure have been identified as criticalmember for transferring forces andbending moments between beams and columns. The change of moments in beam and columns across the joint region, underloadings, induces high shear force and stresses as compared with other adjacent members. The shear failure caused is often brittlein nature which is not an acceptable structural performance. Retrofitting enhances the moment carrying capacity of joint. Oftenbeam column joints need to be strengthened. Author proposes use of ferrocement for retrofitting as wrapping technique, costeffective alternative to costly FRP wrapping technique. In this present research study, modelling & comparison of Beam-Columnjoint with and without ferrocement jacket is carried out by finite element method using software ANSYS APDL. The comparisonshows enhanced performance of the jacketed model over Non jacketed in terms of stresses, ultimate load carrying capacity.