Ferrocement is widely used because of its excellent behavior pf ferrocement under flexural, and impact strength. Ferrocement also has excellent mechanical properties. In this study, total 16 ferrocement panels were modelled of M50 grade of concrete. The thickness of ferrocement panels considered is 15mm, 20mm and 25mm. Galvanized welded mesh is used as reinforcement in panels. This wire-meshes were layered in 2, 3, 4 and 5 layers. High velocity impact test is done by Ak-47 bullet striking with a velocity of 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 650 and 750 m/s for each panel. All this panels were modelled in design modeler of Ansys explicit Dynamics. Deformation, Equivalent Stress and Normal Stress of all the panels are evaluated and compared by analyzing in ANSYS Explicit Dynamics. From the past researches and the conclusions made by these researches, we can see positive chance in the utilization of waste foundry sand in construction field. As these results gives the great emphasis towards the development on environment friendly and economical constructions.