Blockchain is very emerging trend in recent years; it is basically decentralized approach whichprovides transparency to transactional data. While data security is the most essential requirement inthe 21st century, distributed as well as the centralized environment. Identifying or validate the user'sidentity based on educational histories is a very tedious task. Many commercial applications validateby respective organizations based on physical verification. Search systems do not provide trustworthyinformation when declared on a centralized data basis, due to two database security concerns. Variousdatabase and software base intrusion attacks can harm centralized data and change the actualinformation. This paper, the system illustrates blockchain base e certificate generation for theeducational field. In a real- time scenario, many organizations make document verification ofparticular employees on traditional approaches like physical verification, etc. The system proposes isE-certification and token generation using a strategic process which provides hassle-free e verificationfor the organization of specific employee. This system also carried out custom blockchainimplementation with dynamic smart contract, and mining policy, which generate the UniqueIdentification (UID) number and QR code for each user for online verification. The final phase providesvarious consensus algorithms for drastic data verification and majority voting in the P2P network. Thepartial implementation of the system shows the effectiveness of the proposed system over the traditionalapproaches.