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Grammar Generation and Optimization from Multiple Inputs
Pankaj Devere, , Madan Kharat
Published in Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India..
Volume: 3.0
Issue: 1.0
Pages: 298.0 - 302.0
Human being uses multiple modes like speech, text, facial expression, hand gesture, showing picture etc. for communication in between them. The use of this ways for communication makes human communication more simple and fast. In previous years several techniques are used to bring the human computer interaction more closely. It costs more for development and maintenance of Multimodal grammar in integrating and understanding input in multimodal interfaces i.e. using multiple input ways. This leads to improve and investigate more robust algorithm. The proposed system generates the grammar from multiple inputs called as multimodal grammar and evaluates grammar description length. Furthermore, to optimize the multimodal grammar proposed system uses learning operators which improves grammar description.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
PublisherAuricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India..
Open Access0