The concept door locking and unlocking system utilizesInternet of things to open and close the door. In addition to thisthe security will be provided using camera and IR sensor in caseof any unauthorized access. The system automatically locks thedoor as soon as it receives predefined message from the user. Theuser should first enlist. His information will be stored in database.Whenever the message will be received from the registered user,the Raspberry pi will accordingly give instruction to door locksystem. Then system will perform action on either door locking orunlocking. In case of unauthorized access, the sensor will detectthe action and send the alert message to the registered user usingInternet of things. This builds extraordinary security for homesand that too without human intervention.Also, the project is aimed at developing the security of homeagainst gas leakage & liquid petroleum gas (LPG) leakage. In anyof the over three cases any one met when user is out of home thenthe device sends message to the registered user