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Integrating, Predicting and Preventing Flow Assurance Issues - A Review
Published in Springer, Singapore
Volume: 22.0
Issue: N/A
Pages: 941.0 - 954.0
This paper reviews the multiple aspects of flow assurance problems, from a production standpoint, with an aim to provide a deeper understanding of the work that needs to be done to mitigate them. It is seen in multiple case studies that proposed solutions to specific problems do not work well and need to be reinvestigated. Hydrate plugging, wax deposition and asphaltene and scale build-up are typical flow assurance problems. Generally, it has been seen that, under conducive circumstances, these three issues take place in conjunction with each other, which further intensifies the problem; e.g. low temperatures lead to an acceleration of both hydrate formation and rate of wax deposition. An integrated study of the crude with the surrounding conditions would provide a clearer picture, which would help in diagnosing the best possible measure to prevent it. Work done in this paper builds on the initial overview and discusses methods of assessing and analytically predicting flow assurance problems that might arise during the course of the production. Integrating the three issues together and then predicting the problems that might arise would significantly lower the chances of escalation of the situation. From a safety perspective, the paper further discusses the measures that need to be taken during the planning phase of the project, to omit any future situations of such problems once a risk has been identified during the prediction phase. Preventive measures for each of the three flow assurance problems give an integrated outlook of how to tackle these issues together. This paper further sheds light on how to plan an integrated approach for the management of the flow assurance problems in a multiphase flow system.
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JournalData powered by TypesetLecture Notes in Civil Engineering
PublisherData powered by TypesetSpringer, Singapore
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