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JMX Based Metrics Collection and Monitoring of Java application 

Published in
Volume: 2
Issue: 2

Monitoring is a key aspect of system administration. Looking inside a running server, obtaining some statistics or reconfiguring some aspects of an application are all daily administration tasks. The project gives the detailed analysis of the behavior and performance of Java Runtime Environment. It represents internal execution behavior of Java applications by event traces, where each event represents the occurrence of some activity, such as Memory allocated to different heap and non-heap areas, Garbage Collector activity, Loaded and unloaded class count for the JVM, Active thread count for the JVM. JTOR is constituted by three components: a monitoring agent which collects data from the monitored JVM using JMX; a data collector, which stores state snapshots in a database; and finally a display module that displays status of JVM. Keywords: JMX, Jvm, Monitoring, ElasticSearch, Kibana

About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Emerging Technology & Research
Open AccessNo