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When it comes to launching a new venture or developing an existing one, location is one of the most critical aspects to remember. The right location is important not only for attracting more consumers and increasing profits, but it can also decide whether a company can prosper based on factors such as the existence of competition. We plan to summarize current systems in this survey paper and, based on the research gaps, suggest a new recommendation framework that separates users into: A] Starting New Venture for an Established Business: Using the K-means clustering algorithm to propose locations, analyze the data of market locations with the type of sector where there is a high industry level and average customer ranking. B] Starting a New Business: Using Correlation Analysis between various business sectors to suggest locations using a ranking algorithm, find the best place to start a business where there is strong industry demand and little or very little supply.
Journal | An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journal |
Open Access | No |