The data dissemination toward the sink node in a wireless sensor network in one of three ways: single-hop data dissemination, multi-hop dissemination and multi-hop dissemination, using the nearest cluster head or sector head (SH). This study focuses on third multi-hop data dissemination in which SHs are selected in the network, other nodes disseminate data toward these SHs and then, the SHs transfer the collected data to the sink node. This paper proposes a novel approach to SH selection called Energy-Efficient Reliable Sectoring-Scheme (EERSS). It is supported by an optimization algorithm called Cat Swarm Optimization (CSO), which proves that the elected number of SH is optimal. This CSO based EERSS algorithm is implemented to rank quality of service parameters, such as network lifetime maximization, with reliability and to minimize energy consumption. A path reliability prediction-based Markov chain model is applied to the CSO-based-EERSS algorithm to achieve results that are superior to that of traditional models. After the construction of the proposed prediction algorithms CSO-based-EERSS (P-CSO-EERSS), its performance is compared with that of the traditional CSO-based-EERSS, EERSS and Particle Swarm Optimization based EERSS, concerning packet delivery ratio(PDR), end-to-end delay and energy consumption. The SH selection performance of the proposed P-CSO-EERSS is superior to that of the traditional algorithms based on low energy consumption and high PDR.