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Performance evaluation of plate-fins and pin-fins under natural convection: A review
, Dnyaneshwar Bhadre
Published in IJREAM
Volume: 4.0
Issue: 4.0
Pages: 333.0 - 336.0
This paper mainly discusses an analysis at its very initial condition by taking into account the heat that has beentransferred from micro pin-fins. Under natural convection condition, a performance analysis of thermal propertiesof arrays of plate as well as pin type of micro-fins is experimentally carried out. The heating surface is kept samefor the comparative study of the plate and pin fins. The results show that the pin micro-fins can be preferred overplate micro-fins as they have better thermal properties like higher value for heat transfer coefficient and lower forthermal resistances, by incorporating minimum material. Thereby the total weight of the pin fin is reduced andimprovements in the thermal characteristics can be achieved. The upward facing and downward facing effect onthe thermal characteristics is also studied.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management
Open Access0