Emblica officinalis (EO) (Family: Euphorbiaceae), commonly called Amla, is a traditional plant, occurring commonly in deciduous forests in India and widely used globally for the management of various ailments. When its phytochemistry is studied in detail, it reveals the presence of vitamin C, ellagic acid, gallic acid, phyllemblin, tannin, phyllemblic acid, lipids and emblicol. The fruit of this plant is commonly used for a cooling, diuretic, laxative activity. It is also used for the treatment of anemia, jaundice and dyspepsia. The seeds are used for the management of different respiratory tract disorders such as bronchitis, asthma and digestive problems. Various scientists and researchers have isolated the parts of this plant for studying its pharmacological activities and therapeutic approaches. They have explored this plant for its hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, cytoprotective, antitumor, antifungal and antiulcer activity. Further, this plant is also claimed to have other beneficial effects in Ayurveda and traditional medicines. This plant is common and widely available. It is consumed by various Indian people routinely. It is important ingredient of cosmetics, shampoos, hair oils, dyes and famous health tonic Chyavanprash. Though, various literature is available on this plant and fruit but due to interest and curiosity to further explore the information of its uses, chemical composition, pharmacological activities of extract and its isolated compounds and safety profile, the present review paper is planned. This information will be useful for further research of this plant.