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Pre-birth Prognostication of Education and Learning of a Fetus While in the Uterus of the Mother Using Machine Learning
Harsh Mehta Nagesh,
Published in Springer Singapore
Pages: 31 - 37
Education is an essential axe in developing a modern, progressive and industrialized society. People must be ingrained with good quality education to be able to match up with this competitive world. In recent epoch, prenatal education by laying pre-birth prognostication of fetus in the uterus of the mother has been provoked. The grasping power of a fetus in mother's uterus is superior compared to a born child, while in the utero, baby is able hear and remember sounds which baby are able to remember even after their birth. It is also manifested that the work the mother does during the 9 months of pregnancy has a direct consequences on the evolution of child's brain. All the three aspects, i.e., health, values and creativity, go in conjunction in developing the child's mind. All the skills set, values and qualities which are acquired during pregnancy from the mother can be used to anticipate which education stream the child would be likely suitable to opt for in future. This prediction can be achieved with the help of different prediction algorithm of machine learning.
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