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Role of Active Learning Techniques in Development of Problem Solving Skills
Published in http://www.journaleet.org/
Volume: 34
Issue: Special issue
Pages: 670 - 674
In the current era where ample data is generated every second and available to every individual in the form of information, it is easy to gain knowledge from this information but a systematic and methodical approach is required when it comes to skill development. Online and on campus programs help in gaining knowledge but the skills to apply this knowledge needs to be developed gradually through appropriate teaching pedagogy which helps in practicing higher order thinking skills as proposed by Bloom and well known as Bloom’s Taxonomy. In conventional teaching learning approach adopted for online and in-person classroom sessions, the transmission of knowledge takes place most of the time where learner’s involvement may be quite less. So from the perspective of improvement in learner’s involvement in teaching learning process, active learning methods play a significant role and hence practiced widely in recent times. Variety of methods are recommended by scientists and Education experts to improve upon assimilation of knowledge for problem solving. Depending upon the nature of the problem the learner either needs to use one of the lower order thinking skills like apply or higher order thinking skills like analyse, evaluate and create as defined by Bloom. The study presented in this paper discusses case studies of practicing active learning techniques and developing problem solving skills through these techniques. The consolidated feedback analysis for the active learning techniques practiced show that the 96% learners have agreed for clarity of understanding, 92.72% learners have shown confidence in application of concepts and 97.27% participants have shown improved satisfaction in learning. Qualitative testimonies suggests the promising strength of PBL and effectiveness of it in improvement of problem solving skills. The study encourages the effective use of active learning techniques for skill development which is need of time. © 2021, Rajarambapu Institute Of Technology. All rights reserved.
About the journal
JournalJournal of Engineering Education Transformations
Open AccessYes