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Securing Public Health Record Using Attribute Based Encryption for Data Storage in Cloud
Shubham Prakash Chaudhari, Akshat Jain, Bhavesh Kalal, Kautuk Mishra,
Published in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Iseas in Education (IJARIIE)
Volume: 5.0
Issue: 3.0
Pages: 997.0 - 1005.0
Cloud Computing has been increasing in popularity over the past couple of years. There has been extensive use ofvarious software’s and applications with the cloud platform acting as the backbone for these activities. As more andmore organizations and individuals make use of the Cloud platform, the data warehouses that support the platformare heavily strained. Therefore, these warehouses are staffed full of employees that handle the cloud, this leads tothe data of the cloud to be open to attackers and also the people working there. Therefore, the security of the dataon the cloud is imperative, to this end, this paper proposes a model for an attribute-based encryption technique inwhich the public and secret key are generated from the hash key based on the user profile’s personal attributes,randomly. The random characters are essential for the generation of the private and public keys. The reverse cipheralgorithm also increases the security of the model by enabling stronger encryption.
About the journal
JournalInternational Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Iseas in Education
PublisherInternational Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Iseas in Education (IJARIIE)
Open Access0