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Simulation and Mathematical Modeling of Stimulated Shale Gas Reservoirs
, Fatemeh Famoori, Radhika G. Gunaji, G. Suresh Kumar
Published in ACS Publications
Volume: 53.0
Issue: 51.0
Pages: 19788.0 - 19805.0
Gas from shale reservoirs is difficult to produce, unless they are effectively stimulated. Production from wells completed in these quad-porosity reservoirs is dependent on the placement of hydraulic fractures and their degree of connectivity to the existing natural fractures. These propped fractures and their effectiveness is a direct function of the in situ stress in the formation. Furthermore, geochemical diagenesis in the created fractures significantly impacts fracture conductivity. This paper utilizes a fracture-completed horizontal well in different configurations of quad-porosity shale gas reservoir models to assess the effect of gas flow and storage in these systems on production parameters. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is carried out on critical parameters to observe its impact on well performance. This work will help to provide a better understanding of hydraulic fracturing treatments and its effect on the forecast of a stimulated well with reasonable certainty.
About the journal
JournalIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
PublisherACS Publications
Open AccessNo