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Spring Supportive Mechanism to Assist Stair Climbing
Published in International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
Volume: 7.0
Issue: 9.0
Pages: 163.0 - 168.0
Disease mobility is curse of human life, both physically and mentally. Particularly, old age faces difficulty in walking, climbing stairs, etc. As per UN world population prospects, the elder population in worldwide will reach up to 2.1 billion in 2050 (around 20%), which is more than double the population in 2017. It is observed that the majority of infrastructures in rural, urban and semi urban areas of developing nations are not equipped with elevators. Individuals have no alternative than utilizing stairs. The fundamental issue comes with an age where an incompetent body enforces to avoid climbing of any type. Literature supports different assisting tools for stair climbing. The use of external power source for driving such tools is a common practice. In this paper, the self driven mechanism is proposed to facilitate climbing. The system stores the energy while regular walking and the same can be utilized whenever required on the need basis. The natural walking style of the individual and its feel is preserved while designing the mechanism. The design further shows scope for similar applications. The detailing of design and the analytical formulations are presented to support the argument.
About the journal
PublisherInternational Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
Open Access0