One of the major problems confronting the petroleumindustry is the untimely blockage of oil due to deposition of heavyorganics (asphaltene, resin, paraffin wax) present in the oil. Inorder to overcome these problems Flow assurance is employed.Flow assurance is a relatively new term in oil and gas industry.Flow assurance is successful operations that generate a reliable,manageable, and profitable flow of fluids from the reservoir to thesales point. Taking into consideration the above factors the scopeof the paper would be to study the existing system from (EarlyProduction System) EPS-I to EPS-V 8” trunk pipeline & tosuggest remedial flow assurance measures. Simulation studieshave been carried out on Pipesim Software in order to find out thepressure and temperature drops in the 8”X50 km EPS-I to EPS-Vpipeline. Results conclude that heating the crude up to 65oC isimperative before pumping at all 3 installations. The crude oilfrom EPS-IV,EPS-III,EPS-II is required to be reheated at EPS-Ibefore pumping to EPS-V. It will assist in transportation fromflow assurance point of view due to better shear as well as betterheat retention in the line.