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Traffic Video Surveillance Using Contourlet Transform
A. Boharapi, , V. Vyas, M.S. Sutaone
Published in IEEE Computer Society
Volume: 2016-March
Pages: 113 - 116
This paper proposes an innovative idea for segmenting a video sequence including vigorous textures in transform domain. The advanced mode is based on the contourlet transform. This transform method agreed to re-evaluate spatiotemporal structures for a given level and inclination. All advances examine and compare multi-scale dissolution to recognize dynamic texture in image sequences and then intend a simple efficient approach to dynamic texture segmentation using contourlet transform with measures to find the vibratory attribute. So it is competent to specify the traffic of an image sequence by calculating the parameters. The observation that, for objects that generally travel, it is normally easier to see them when they are moving than when they are stationary. However when there will be more traffic crowd, it is difficult to find the task features. The segmentation proficiency is well applied on video sequence of dynamic texture and also traffic classification is done by measuring the parameter. Future prospects are finally discussed. © 2015 IEEE.
About the journal
JournalData powered by TypesetInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ICETET
PublisherData powered by TypesetIEEE Computer Society