Cloud computing that is based on Infrastructure as a Services model, allows the system administrators to identify resources or services to deploy their applications. Selection of the most appropriate provider for a particular application is a difficult task as there are huge numbers of services offered by considerable number of providers that are not directly comparable and have similar functionality. Additionally these systems must comply with non-functional requirements as they evolve. Certain traditional techniques are employed to verify the non-functional properties of critical systems at design time. In this paper, a new framework is suggested that supports the process of deploying applications in cloud providers, using a comparison of high level requirements predominantly non-functional requirements (NFR). Experiments have already been conducted with conclusive results wherein matching of user constraints during service selection process is done. The experiment uses Aspect Oriented Paradigm (AOP), XML and graph transformation. The relevance of the framework is illustrated using the Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) scenario. The results demonstrate that the model considerably improves the process by identifying conflicting NFR. Based on this work done, the next logical step is to extend it to Cloud Computing. © 2016 IEEE.