Data transmission over the wireless transmission channel is adversely affected by attenuation, distortion, interference, and noise, that hampers the ability of the receiver to correctly receive the transmitted message signal. Thus error detection and correction methods are implemented to mitigate these effects. Convolution encoder is one such channel encoding technique used at transmitter end for deep space and wireless communication whereas at receiver end the Viterbi decoder decodes the encoded data. Viterbi algorithm is based on principles of maximum likelihood where the optimal trellis path is identified that is followed at the encoder using cumulative hamming distance. This paper presents an SoC based Hardware-Software codesign approach of implementing the Viterbi Decoder along with the entire communication system comperising of random binary pattern generator, convolution encoder, QPSK modulator, QPSK demodulator and quantizer built on a Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC chip. The blocks are designed using Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) using the tools Vivado IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 2017.4 by Xilinx and HDL coder toolbox of MATLAB 2018 a by MathWorks. Simulink model of the communication chain is implemented to simulate the design considering the effect of AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) through the channel and then the partial design is translated to be implemented on a Zynq-7000 AP SoC. This design can find potential applications in Satellite communication, SDR (Software Defined Radio). © 2018 IEEE.