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As we know Web caching and pre-fetching is a ubiquitous technique that can increase the speed of Web loading process. Because of mobile context has limited resources like speed and memory, a better technique for Web loading process is needed. In this paper we are going to study a new a hybrid technique based on combination of ANN and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for classification Web object either to cache or not and generate rules from log data by using Rough Set technique on proxy server (Rough Neuro-PSO). This technique proves to be faster in searching or accessing process in mobile applications. This method is by using XML file for prefetching which is saved into mobile memory. Prefetching that used xml file is much faster to be searched or accessed. Where in web caching side enhance the speed by using Rough Neuro-PSO in order to choose the log. At the end study the new framework which up the access of the web page in mobile environment.

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