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Dental implant stability and its measurements to improve osseointegration at the bone-implant interface: A review
N. Kittur, R. Oak, D. Dekate, S. Jadhav,
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 43
Issue: 2, SI
Pages: 1064 - 1070
Stability of an implant is a crucial factor in osseointegration. As osseointegration (bone remodelling and regeneration at implant surface) is directly dependent on primary stability, it is extremely important to accurately measure the primary stability not only at the time of implant placement but also at various stages of healing. It is, therefore, critical to use a method of measurement such that it continuously monitors implant stability at regular intervals of time during the healing process. Over several decades, numerous methods have been employed to find implant stability. These methods are categorised as invasive and non-invasive. Historically, destructive methods such as tensional test and removal torque test were used extensively to measure implant stability. However, they have lost credibility due to their invasiveness and ethical issues. In recent times, non-invasive techniques such as RFA (resonance frequency analysis), reverse torque analysis, have gained popularity. Due to the availability of a large number of methods to check implant stability, it is important to critically analyse them, compare their advantages and disadvantages to select the most suitable and convenient method. This enables the practitioner to predict early implant failure and take necessary action. This review focuses on the presently available methods to measure stability of implant. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd.
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