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Lean manufacturing a vital tool to enhance productivity in manufacturing

Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 46
Issue: 1
Pages: 729 - 736

The goal of any manufacturer is customer’s satisfaction this can be achieved by delivering the quality product,
right on time at reasonable cost. Any organization whether manufacturing or service will survive
and sustain the competency if it is flexible enough to continuously and systematically respond to the customers
need and accordingly adds value to the product. Equipment, Material, and labour cost will
increase with the inflation rate which are the dominant parameters that affect the price of the product.
A simple mathematics, underutilization of equipment, material and labour is direct loss incurred. So,
without any doubt the first focus of attention must be towards maximum utilization of this dominant
parameters followed by reducing wastages in manufacturing activities. Lean manufacturing are now vital
tools in all manufacturing sectors like automotive, electronics, plastic, textile, food, dairy, foundry, stampings,
maintenance. The benefit observed after implementation of individual or combined lean manufacturing
technique was reduction in cycle time, elimination of non-valued activities, clean, tidy, and
hygienic workplace. Besides this there will be a smooth production flow, increase in productivity, reduction
in production cost, involvement of employees, documentation of orders, reduction of inventory,
breakdown with better intra and inter connectivity to take decisions fast and quick response. The present
review focuses on different manufacturing sectors to see the effect of lean manufacturing techniques
implemented for improving the process and reducing the wastages.

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