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Optimization of 1U nanosatellite on the basis of strength and weight using different Materials: A numerical approach
Published in Elsevier Ltd
Volume: 62
Issue: 6
Pages: 4073 - 4080
As the intricacy of problems encountered increases, humans need to explore space, hence demanding more experiments to be performed at different physical conditions. Nanosatellites are not only cheap and flexible but they are also validated in space which can be used as extensions for the larger satellites for more wider applications. The materials chosen for space applications are based on their properties, costs and complexity. Some of the materials that are used include, metal and its alloys, fiber composites. Out of these, aluminum and its alloys such as, Al 7075 – T6, are widely used for spacecraft manufacturing. Due to certain disadvantages of aluminum, there is an increase in the research and development of composite materials such as, HTM143/M55J and T300/5208, are used for space applications because they offer high structural strength in comparison to metallic alloys, but at a lighter weight which improves fuel efficiency and performance. The main objective of the research is to provide a comprehensive description and comparative study of the materials that can be used in improving the structural design and weight of the nanosatellite. Static structural analysis was carried out to analyze the feasibility of using composites as an alternative to metallic alloys on the basis of stress and deformation value. The material HTM143/M55J shown major improvement in the weight and strength ratio as compared to other two materials. © 2022
About the journal
JournalMaterials Today: Proceedings
PublisherElsevier Ltd
Open AccessNo