Prof. Priyanka Garsole is an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at MIT-World Peace University, Kothrud, Pune. She has completed M.Tech in Civil and Water Management from SGGS Institute of Engineering andTechnology and completed a degree BE in Civil Engineering from Govt. Engineering College, Aurangabad. She has teaching experience of around 4.5 years. She is currently teaching and has taught to undergraduate students for various subjects like Irrigation and Water Resource Engineering, Dams & Hydraulic Structures, Integrated Water Resource Planning and Management, Fluid Mechanics, Introduction to Civil Engineering etc. subjects. She also has publications/presentations in National Journal and well known International Conference in the field of water resources.
Prof. Priyanka Garsole has research interest in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, She has a keen interest in Optimization models and Mathematical models applied for various problems in Engineering. She has guided many undergraduate projects, among which some were equipmentally sponsored and technically sponsored category from the known research institutes like CWPRS. She has acquainted with softwares like Auto-CAD, QGIS and has handled softwares like Matlab, Weka for AL & ML.
Teaching Experience : 4.5 years
Industry Experience : 3 Months
Dams & Hydraulic Structures, Fluid Mechanics 2, Hydrology and Water Resouce ENgineering, Infrastructure Engineering